Friday, March 25, 2011

Rain, rain, go away.....

Rain, Rain, go away I have furniture to refinish today! I guess my cabinet will have to wait for another day.

Since I can't sand and paint as I planned and I'm not particularly interested in the  ever growing list of chores, I decided to find something new to work on.

You know what you've heard since you were a kid....when life gives you lemons....

Well guess what - we are inundated with lemons!  Our poor tree is about to fall over.

So I decided it was time to figure out what to do will all of these lemons.

I decorated... (please ignore the really dirty window - it's been raining for days)

I found some cute containers and filled them with lemons to give to the neighbors and my daughter's teachers....

I made lemon juice ice cubes...

and lemon slice cubes...

lemonade (which honestly isn't the same on a cold day)

I think the 'grown-up' version will be much better.  Can't wait to have the limoncello! I can drink it and pretend I'm in Italy...  Giada has a great recipe

Chicken picatta for dinner...

Now for dessert...

Lemon sorbet?

Lemon Bundt Cake?

or Lemon Meringue Pie?

So since I can't work on my cabinet, I will eat, drink and be lemony!


The Beginning

After lots of encouragement from friends I’m finally ignoring the negative voices in my head and am jumping feet first into blogland.  I’ve always loved adding that little something extra to make a place my own. 

Years ago I was playing with my niece at my mom’s house and she pulled out my first and I think only doll house.  As we were playing I noticed that I had decorated the entire house! I made bedspreads and pillows from scraps of furniture. I hung a stamp on the wall with thread as though it was a great piece of art and I used another scrap of fabric to make a shag rug (it was the 70’s after all!) 

Totally dating myself....but it was the Fisher Price Dollhouse

I did all of this when I was 5!  If my adult self could go back and talk to that little girl I would tell her all about Martha Stewart and encourage her to use those um….'talents' to create her own line of home décor!

What would you tell your younger self?

P.S. A special thanks to my niece for taking the pictures and texting them to me for this post!
P.P.S. Thanks to all my friends for listening to me whine about wheather or not I should do this and for basically telling me to shut up and do it!
P.P.P.S. A huge thank you to my friend Tinker for creating the header graphic for me!
